Daria Korobko

4th year student of Moscow State Pedagogical University, conducts research in the field of linguistics, studies extralinguistic factors of texts.

Usually, the transmission of a communicative effect (impact potential, regulatory effect, expressive effect) into another language is difficult for a translator. The Chinese humorous genre xiangsheng is a phenomenon that has its own linguistic - in-text - features, for example, stylistic: the entire speech act is built on puns, wordplay, linguistic anomalies, etc., which should be consistently reflected in the translation text. At the moment, in the Russian-speaking scientific space, there are several research works devoted to the description of extralinguistic factors that form the basis of Chinese humor, the problem of realities and the language code. At the same time, in the field of research, the problem of transferring the stylistic features of works in the xiangsheng genre remains relevant. Stylistic features are exactly the theme of this speech.
一般来说,对翻译来说,恰当地把交流效果(影响力,调节效果,表达效果)放在用别的语言写的文本尤其困难。 中国相声是一种文学艺术现象,具有自己的语言特征,例如修辞特点:整个相声作品都以双关语、文字游戏、语言异常等为基础,应始终体现在翻译文字。 目前,在俄文科学世界里有一些研究语言外及两个文化差异的因素的论文。 同时,相声作品里用到的修辞手段的表达方式的问题仍然存在,还未得到充分的理解。 本演讲的题目正为相声作品里应用的修辞手段和翻译要注意的修辞细节。