Chinese dialects festival

Articles, books, monographs, resources and more, if you would like to learn about dialects!
«The Great Dictionary of Modern Chinese Dialects»
The Great Dictionary of Modern Chinese Dialects (现代汉语方言大词典) series contains 42 issues. In 2003 the last issue dedicated to the South Anhui, Jixi dialect was released. The cover of each issue is designed in the style of old woodcut books. Each issue contains approximately 8000 entries. In 2002, a final six-volume edition was prepared, combining all previous issues.

The following issues are directly related to the Jin dialect:
1. Dictionary of Taiyuan Dialects:《太原方言词典》作者: 沈明出版社: 江苏教育出版社出版年: 1994
2. Dictionary of Xinzhou Dialects《忻州方言词典》 作者: 李荣编出版社: 江苏教育出版社出版年: 1995
3.Hui dialect: 《绩溪方言词典》赵日新江苏教育出版社 2003
4.Pinghua dialect: 《南宁平话词典》覃远雄 、韦树关 、卞成林吉林人民出版社 1998
«Language Atlas of China» «中国语言地图集»
The first edition of the Language Atlas ​​of China (1987) was prepared in collaboration with the Australian Academy of Humanities and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The atlas includes three general and 15 regional maps showing the dialects of the Chinese language, and two additional maps for the Chinese dialects common in Southeast Asia and other countries of the world.
In 2012, a new edition of the Atlas was published, taking into account research and publications that have appeared in recent decades.
The Jin dialect is reflected on the the map №13
The Hui dialect is reflected on the map №21
Pinghua and Tuhua dialects are shown on the map №22
Phonetic Dictionary of Chinese Dialects, 汉语方音字汇
This book includes phonetic material of Beijing, Jinan, Xi'an, Yangzhou, Guangzhou, Xiamen and other 20 Chinese dialects, with a total of 3,000 words.
«Chinese Dialects and Culture»

This book mainly focuses on the close relationship between Chinese dialects and Chinese culture. It reveals,on the one hand, a long, rich and splendid Chinese culture from the perspective of Chinese dialects; on the other hand, it unveils the evolution, the development of Chinese dialects as well as their diversity and charm at the cultural angle. By combining the study of Chinese dialects with that of the history of Chinese culture, the author attempts to explore the cultural background of Chinese dialects’ formation and evolution,and at the same time, the author attempts to view Chinese dialects as the key access to find solutions to related questions appeared in the history of Chinese culture. Thus, it not only opens a new research scope for the Chinese dialectology, but it also finds a new path for the study of cultural history. The book is the first of its kind to create the concept of cultural linguistics, which leads to a new era of combined research on both language and culture.
«Introduction to Chinese Dialectology»
Introduction to Chinese Dialectology intends to give a comprehensive account of the studies on Chinese dialects tracing from the first Chinese dialect study of Yang Xiong's Fangyan "Dialect" to present works, covering mainly phonological and lexical features. It investigates the dialect research from historical and theoretical linguistic perspectives. Topics include: the classification of Chinese dialects, dialect studies in different periods, the criteria for the dialect classification as proposed by different scholars, discussions on the Chinese dialectology from philological, descriptive, generative and computational quantifying approaches, and the contributions of Chinese dialectology to the general linguistic theories. The main text devotes to the description of the major phonological characteristics and distributions of the major dialects, supplemented by fourteen sketch dialect maps and over one hundred tables of dialect data for easier reading and comparisons. Each chapter is supported by exercises, which basically is in the form of contrastive and comparative linguistic analysis nature.
«Language Atlas of Chinese Dialects»
In 2008, a three-volume Language Atlas of Chinese Dialects was published. It includes 511 maps. The first volume of the atlas is devoted to phonetics, the second volume - vocabulary, the third volume - the grammatical features of dialects.

  • 晋语 Jin

    • Fan Huiqin. 晋语五台片阴平和上声的分合及其演变. 文章认为晋语五台片阴平和上声的分合有忻州型和宁武型两个类型,不同类型以及不同方言点的共时差异反映出两个声调的历时演变过程是渐进式的,合流是声调晚期演变的结果,调值相近是合流的直接动因
    • Han Peiling. “An Overview Study on the Independence of Jin Dialects”. This thesis is an overview about the study on Jin dialects in these years including those which support Jin dialects' independence and those which refute that. According to the present studies on Jin dialects and acquaintance of splitting theories of dialects, it's believed to be more reasonable to classify the Jin dialect as the second-level dialect which is inferior to the dialects of northern China.
    • Wang Xiaoting, Qiao Quansheng. 70 years of Shanxi dialect research. 王晓婷,乔全生.山西方言研究70年[J]。山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020, 43(02):46-58. 2020年07月01日 14:41 来源:《山西大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 作者:王晓婷 乔全生. 新中国成立70年来的山西方言研究经历了四个时期:山西方言研究的初创与探索期(1949—1965),山西方言研究的萧条与停滞期(1966—1977),山西方言研究的恢复与提升期(1978—1998),山西方言研究的兴盛与辉煌期(1999—2019)。文章对各个时期按研究内容从方言语音研究、方言词汇研究、方言语法研究、晋方言的分立、方言与民俗研究、区域方言研究、诗词用韵研究、学科交叉研究、方言与文化研究等方面进行分析。总的看,初创、探索期研究内容单薄,兴盛、辉煌期研究领域较广。70年来,山西方言研究薪火传承,其影响力和辐射力不断扩大,及时、全面地总结70年来所取得的重要成就,必将有利于山西方言研究向更高层次、更高水平、更高质量迈进。
    • The Status Quo and Protection Measures of Chinese Dialects—A Case Study of Gujiao Dialect in Binzhou, Jin Language. Abstract: Richness and endangered are two characteristics of Chinese dialects in China. Taking the ancient Jiaohua dialect in Binzhou, Jin language as an example, this paper describes the general use of Chinese dialects in China, analyzes the internal and external factors leading to the endangered status of dialects, and puts forward strategies for the protection and inheritance of dialects, which is of positive significance for vigorously promoting the protection and inheritance of language resources
  • 徽语 Hui
    • Minghui Zhang. “Diphthongized Vowels in the Xiuning Hui Chinese”.
    • Zhao Rixin. The characteristics and subdivisions of Hui dialect. Dialects 赵日新.徽语的特点和分区[J].方言. 本文讨论徽语的特点和分区.全文分为三节:壹,徽语的共同特点,一共提出12条共同的语音特征;贰,徽语的内部差别,也提出12项;叁,徽语的分片及各片的主要特点,本文根据语音特征把徽语分为五个方言片.
    • Zhao Rixin. Several types of modern pronunciation of the ancient full turbid vowels in Hui. Language Studies 赵日新.徽语古全浊声母今读的几种类型[J].语言研究,2002(04):106-110. 《中国语言地图集》指出,"古全浊声母字徽语都读清音,多数地点也读送气音。休黟片送气音比不送气音多.送气与否,总的说还看不出条例。婺源北部古人声送气,严州片的建德古去声送气,条例比较清楚."本文具体讨论徽语古全浊声母今读的几种类型
    • Meng Qinghui. The special linguistic phenomena of Hui. 孟庆惠.徽语的特殊语言现象[J].安徽师大学报(哲学社会科学版),1995(01):98-106. 徽语的特殊语言现象孟庆惠"徽语"是汉语新划分的十大方言区之一。为了给研究者们提供一些关于这个方言区的情况,本文将作者前些年调查皖南徽语获得的语法方面的一些特殊现象作一描述。
  • 平话 Ping
    • Hilário de Sousa. On Pinghua and Yue: Some Historical and Linguistic Perspectives. Pinghua 平話 is a Sinitic dialect group spoken in Guangxi in southern China. Within Chinese linguistics, there have been many debates on its affiliation. Pinghua is associated with the earliest Han Chinese migrants in Guangxi, but in terms of number of speakers in Guangxi Pinghua has been overtaken by Yue, Southwestern Mandarin, and Hakka. Pinghua is primarily associated with the Han Chinese migrants who entered Guangxi through Hunan, whereas Yue is primarily associated with those who entered Guangdong through Jiangxi. Yue speakers have subsequently spread westward in large numbers from Guangdong to Guangxi. Linguistically, the Pinghua dialects sit on a dialect continuum with the non-Cantonese Yue dialects in Guangxi. On the other hand, the Cantonese enclaves in Guangxi are the results of Cantonese people moving directly from the Pearl River Delta to Guangxi within the last 150 years or so.
    • Hilário de Sousa. 2017. Pínghuà 平話 dialects. In Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Yueguo Gu, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, & James Myers (eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics, vol. 3, 425–431. Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/2210-7363_ecll_COM_00000332.
    • Xiaolan Cao. “Southern Pinghua: Phonology and phonological diversity”. This study focuses on the phonology and phonological differences between the southern dialects of the Pinghua group and other dialects of this group. Includes comparative analysis and different points of view on the mutual intelligibility of speech among speakers of southern dialects of the Pinghua group.
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