Chinese Dialects festival

Articles, books, monographs, resources to learn more about dialects!
方言与中国文化_02_6-8 赣语的分布与历史形成. The history of the formation of the Gan dialect as a separate language.
赣语戏曲艺术——话. A performance of Chinese opera in the Gan dialect.
赣语 南昌三江话《雨巷》. Poem in Nanchang dialect
方言与中国文化_01_6-7 湘语的分布与历史形成. The history of the formation of the Xiang dialect as a separate language.
古文吟诵:《兰亭集序》(王羲之) 史鹏吟诵 湘语吟诵. Reading ancient literature in the Xiang dialect.
西南官话&湘语部分词汇对比. Comparison of dialects of Southwest China with Xiang dialects (with examples).
闽南语与湘语的对比 Comparison of South Fujian dialect and Xiang dialect.
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