THE 11th
Anyone who turns to the old can discover the new, deserves to be a teacher. Learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is dangerous. Anyone who cannot instruct his household to do good cannot learn for himself.
We are glad to see not only specialists, who connected their lives with the Chinese language many years ago but also those who just began their way of sinology.
Open Dialogue is an annual conference, which connects professionals teaching Chinese from all over the world!332 people from 22 countries took part in the 11th “Open Dialogue”! Everyone spent about 5 houses in every of 28 linguistic salons. 41 people took part as speakers, who shared their worked-out materials and research in the sphere of studying Chinese language and culture. Our partners told about their services and made unique offers for the participants of the 11th "Open Dialogue". Together with you, the participants of the event, we made this day unforgettable!
During “Open dialogue” there were organized 28 salons, where 41 speakers appeared!
332 people from 22 countries joined our salons to listen to the speakers!
Every one among them spent about 5 hours in linguistic salons.
The linguistic personality of a native Chinese speaker. The unifying role of the Chinese language as the cultural code of the nation.
Postnova Tatiana Alexandrovna
Reflection of the mentality and Confucian philosophy of the inhabitants of China in the language of aphorisms from the book "Conversations and Judgments" ("Analects")
Chinese hieroglyphic riddles
Difficulties in weaving Chinese Internet vocabulary in the Russian-Chinese Parallel Corpus of the RNC
Goryaina Yulia Pavlovna
Scientific school «Sinological linguodidactics»: direction: 13.00.02. – theory and methods of teaching and upbringing(foreign languages)
Theoretical and applied linguistics of the Chinese language in different age groups of the basic level
The transformation of the image of China in the works of Russian literature of the XX century
Volodkina Daria Konstantinovna
The problem of intercultural communication in teaching the Chinese language
New technologies and innovations in modern China
Practical phonetics of the Chinese language, physiology of pronunciation of sounds and tones.
Zhukova Evgeniya Yurievna