I Ching: Bilingual Edition, English and Chinese: The Book of Change

This edition of the I Ching features both English and Chinese side by side for easy reference and bilingual support. The I Ching is one of the most ancient, influential and profound Chinese texts in the world. The book has influenced Eastern and Western thought throughout history. This edition's English translation is by world-renowned sinologist James Legge. The text is organized into 64 sections, each addressing aspects of life's changes. The bilingual study edition includes a Classical Chinese study guide.

Ссылка на книгу: https://www.amazon.com/Ching-Bilingual-English-Chinese-Chinook/dp/1533460221/ref=pd_sbs_17/138-5711469-9817240?pd_rd_w=FuQAq&pf_rd_p=3676f086-9496-4fd7-8490-77cf7f43f846&pf_rd_r=JHKGSB36XCMXSAR5M38A&pd_rd_r=e735cfe6-d305-4a01-bcf2-9661e70df873&pd_rd_wg=0eCuI&pd_rd_i=1533460221&psc=1

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