GCSE Chinese Writing Revision Guide

GCSE Chinese Writing Revision Guide is written by three academics experienced in teaching Chinese as a foreign language from The Open University, Benenden School and Tsinghua University. It is a complete and up-to-date revision guide based on the 2017 revised syllabus, covering all the topics in the new Edexcel Chinese GCSE (9-1) and AQA specification. This Writing Revision Guide provides: A fully comprehensive and structured approach to guide learners through the writing component of the course topic by topic; Focusing on the essential writing strategies needed in drafting and developing a topic; Developing techniques in translation examination; Relevant exam practice with mock papers so that students fully understand the requirements and well prepared to prepare for the GCSE Chinese writing exam.
Ссылка на книгу: https://www.amazon.co.uk/GCSE-Chinese-Writing-Revision-Guide/dp/1907838473/ref=pd_sbs_4/259-8978156-4707837?pd_rd_w=KEARN&pf_rd_p=b3232d54-1e37-435b-b370-81046eef630a&pf_rd_r=CCSZ68A1E1XF3AVZ62WQ&pd_rd_r=90ce9ffb-ab86-4d05-ae75-a4bd268fc1db&pd_rd_wg=BHb94&pd_rd_i=1907838473&psc=1

Издательство: Великобритания