English-Chinese Bilingual Poems and Quotations for Children (Chinese Edition)

Classical English poems that are short in length and everlasting in beauty are now available in English-Chinese bilingual versions. Selected and Translated by Slow Rabbit, these bilingual poems will nourish the growing mind of children and help them learn both languages at the same time. The book also includes some inspiring and thought provoking quotations. This book is suitable for children of all ages, especially 8 and above. Even adults can benefit from reading these poems and quotations.

Ссылка на книгу: https://www.amazon.com/English-Chinese-Bilingual-Quotations-Children-Chinese/dp/1729760953/ref=pd_sbs_13/138-5711469-9817240?pd_rd_w=FuQAq&pf_rd_p=3676f086-9496-4fd7-8490-77cf7f43f846&pf_rd_r=JHKGSB36XCMXSAR5M38A&pd_rd_r=e735cfe6-d305-4a01-bcf2-9661e70df873&pd_rd_wg=0eCuI&pd_rd_i=1729760953&psc=1

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