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A series of scientific meetings-discussions dedicated to modern linguistic theories

A series of scientific meetings-discussions dedicated to modern linguistic theories  The Confucius Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University together with the Department of Chinese Language of the Moscow City Pedagogical University are opening a series of scientific meetings-discussions devoted to modern linguistic theories, related to the Chinese language. 

The first meeting will be devoted to the discussion of the Vladimir Kurdyumov's Predication concept of the language, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Chinese Language Department of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow City Pedagogical University.

 The Predication concept is a general linguistic concept, which for the first time is based not on the European inflectional language, but on the language of the isolating system – Chinese language. For this reason, many basic linguistic concepts (language, speech, text, discourse, etc.) and linguistic phenomena (the problem of parts of speech, the function of official words, etc.) are explained within the framework of the predication concept from completely new alternative positions. The predication concept is actively used in the analysis of Chinese dialogical and monological texts of various genres and in the process of teaching the Chinese language, as evidenced by the defended dissertations and published scientific works of Vladimir Kurdyumov.

 During the meeting, it is planned:

- oral presentations of Vladimir Kurdyumov with additions and explanations of the author of the predication concept;
 - discussion of the main provisions and principles of the predication concept of language, as well as the possibilities of its practical use;
 - question-answer session based on articles by Vladimir Kurdyumov (preliminary distribution of several articles is planned).

 The meeting will take place on March 27, 2021 at 15:00 on the Zoom platform.

 Link to participate.
 Conference ID: 815 792 4971

 Access code: hanyu
 Registration for the event: follow the link.

 Professional linguists, Chinese language teachers and anyone interested in modern linguistic approaches and theories are invited!