As a prime example of the 1950s novels about the Chinese countryside, Liang Bin’s Keep the Red Flag Flying (1957) is frequently positioned as a Bildungsroman with the Chinese peasants of the 1920s and 1930s as a collective protagonist. The main objective of the novel, in accordance with the political agenda of its times, is to educate the reader, to direct his value conceptions. The novel adheres to idyllic chronotope, making it fi t to be called an idyll of struggle.
梁斌的小说《红旗谱》(1957年)是1950年代有关中国乡村的最著名小说之一,被定位为一部成长型小说,其超级英雄是1920年代和1930年代的中国农民。 这项工作被纳入中国文学“红色经典”基金,这使其分析具有针对性。 本文旨在结合教育小说的体裁特征,分析梁斌的小说《红旗谱》。