The article is devoted to the problem of the relationship of philosophy and meditation in the schools of Chinese Buddhism. The position and role of philosophy as theoretical justification of the ways and methods of salvation, and meditation as the central link in the soteriology of Buddhism are considered in this article. In this connection the analysis is made of the theory of the two truths of the Sanlun school which emphasizes the extra-verbal comprehension of absolute truth as well as the concept of “round harmony of three truths” of the Tiantai school which underlines unity of conventional and absolute truths. The study on the method of zhi guan (shamatha and vipashyane), which is represented by the complex of the philosophical explication of the Tiantai school, is considered. Among this explication are: the doctrine of the ten worlds (shi jie, 十界); ten signs (shi ru shi, 十如是), a single consciousness: (yi xin), the concept of “three contemplations of a single consciousness” (yi xin san guan, 一心三观); the concept of three thousand in one moment (yi nian san qian, 一念三千).