The article reviews the historical links among the directorial methods in the traditional Chinese drama and modern Russian theatre. It also highlighted the similarity and difference among the Stanislavki's System, 'The Biomechanics' by Vs. Meyerhold, on the one hand, and the methods of the traditional Chinese opera, on the other. The productions of the famous Chinese directors educated in Russia in 1930-80 of the 20th are being reviewed.
本文回顾了中国传统戏剧和现代俄罗斯戏剧中导演方法之间的历史联系。 它还强调了斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基体系(一方面是迈耶霍尔德(Meyerhold)的“生物力学”)与另一方面中国传统戏曲方法之间的异同。 20世纪1930-80年在俄罗斯受过教育的中国著名导演的作品正在接受审查。