The goal is to identify and review the main features of the people’s war strategy developed by Mao Zedong using the legacy of traditional Chinese philosophical and political culture to defeat the Japanese regular troops and take power in the country by the Communist Party of China. Research methods include components of military-historical, historical-logical, political science and sociological analysis. Results. The main strategic principles of Mao, which helped the Chinese Communists not only to win the civil war, but also to expel the troops of the Japanese regular army, are revealed. Mao developed a hybrid strategy that included elements of guerrilla warfare. The basic principle of guerrilla operations was the suddenness with which it is possible to increase a slight power advantage over the guerrillas by the Japanese. Mao considered the driving force of the Chinese revolution to be the multi-million-strong peasantry, whose mentality he knew and used well. Only respect for and concern for the peasantry could, in Mao’s opinion, benefit the future revolution...