The influence of Ming China (1368-1644) on the formation of ritual and everyday customs of the early o: baku school and its perception in Japan
The Ōbaku-shū (Ōbaku School) is a new trend of the Japanese Zen Buddhism, which was brought to Japan by the Chinese monks who arrived the islands during the Edo period (1603-1868). The Ōbaku teaching of Chinese origin was an absolute novelty for Japan with its policy of isolationism from the outside world, which at the initial stages led to surge in its popularity. This article examines some peculiarities of the ritual practice and routine of the Ōbaku-shū, which most vividly characterize its connection with the mainland and sparks particular interest of the Japanese population of Edo period. The scientific novelty is substantiated by the absence of special research in the Russian Japanese studies dedicated to the Ōbaku School, therefore, special attention is given to the English-languae and Japanese-language sources. The conclusion is made that despite the fact that the Ōbaku School eventually did not succeed in revolutionizing the Buddhist community of Japan, it still saw some level of success on the islands. The popularity of the new teaching in many ways was justified by its “otherness”, and “Chinese flavor”. The foreign origin and cultural peculiarities attracted people to the Ōbaku temples. The external decor and exoticism: musical instruments, colorful rituals, Chinese garments, hairstyles, monastery food, etc. formed a peculiar image of the school in the minds of Japanese people, and led to surge in its popularity in the new land.
Ōbaku 学堂是日本禅宗佛教的一种新趋势,它是由在江户时代(1603-1868年)到达这些岛屿的中国僧侣带到日本的。 Originbaku 的中国血统教学对日本来说是绝对的新颖,其与外界隔绝的政策使它在初期受到欢迎。本文考察了“大巴书”的礼俗和惯例,这最生动地描绘了它与大陆的联系,并激发了日本江户时代人们的特殊兴趣。科学上的新颖性通过专门针对 Japanesebaku 学派的俄文日语研究的缺乏而得到证实,因此,对英语和日语的来源给予了特别关注。得出的结论是,尽管事实上巴库学派并没有成功地使日本佛教界发生革命,但它仍然在这些岛屿上取得了一定程度的成功。这种新的教学方式在“其他方面”和“中国风味”方面以多种方式受到欢迎。外国血统和文化特色吸引了人们前往 Ōbaku 庙宇。学校的外部装饰和异国情调:乐器,丰富多彩的仪式,中国服装,发型,寺院食品等,在日本人心目中形成了学校的独特形象,并在新大陆引起了人们的欢迎。