Новости от АРС (eng)

The Chinese Week is coming!

The following week will be all about Chinese culture and art. China has given countless inventions and discoveries to the world, so we are going to talk about some of them.
Every weekday guides from the Museum of Oriental Art will tell you about the permanent exhibition in the Chinese hall.
Live reading of fairy-tales and myths will also be continued here
This week we will tell you about a powerful, magical creature of Chinese legends: a Dragon (and other characters too!)

On the 16th of April, at 7 p.m., we invite you to watch Andrey Gretchin’s lecture and workshop about “Chinese tea culture” on the Museum of Oriental Art’s Youtube channel. We will find out a lot of interesting tea facts: when tea was first used as a drink, how many kinds of tea there are, what Chinese tea ceremony is like and so much more!

On the 18th of April, at 3 p.m., we invite you to watch an online lecture “Chinese beauty” on Youtube. Gavrikova Dina Sergeevna, a historian, culturologist, facilitator of the Museum of Oriental Art’s educational activity, will tell you about Chinese traditional beauty standards, and some ways to achieve them.
Watch here

Some useful links: 
Here you can read some of the most interesting books about Chinese culture and art: https://ru.bookmate.com/bookshelves/f5lC0b4e
Here you can listen to some of the greatest Chinese melodies: https://music.yandex.ru/users/OrientalMuseum/playlists/1002
Here you can find all the new information on the event: https://www.orientmuseum.ru